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Sinara seeks a home!


Welcome and I hope we'll meet soon!
Ingaras, Hunter (75)
Indo, Minstrel (81)
Celefindel, Loremaster (115)
Magolisto, Champion (75)

and some others...


Welcome to the forums, thanks for the wonderful application and good luck with your initiation! Hope to see you in kinchat soon!  :bunny1:
I took the apple...


Yay, more finns!!! Good luck with the application. Wink
[Image: 23lxhk5.png]
"I want to be female. From now on, I want you all to call me Loretta." ~Bofur
"So...You are running with a human body part in your backpack...And I'm supposed to be the bad guy?" ~Clarence


Welcome and good luck with your application.
--- Belegorn --- Bad Apple


Nice application, good luck!


Regarding Shrindrae's in-game mail:

Hello, I've been unable to stay online for very long due to a bit busier than usual schedule these past days, but I should be online for roughly 19-22 GMT on thursday (21-24 finnish). I usually squeeze in an hour or two in the morning and the same in the evening, I'm sure we'll be online at the same time soonish. Smile



Taldric, give forum access to him ^^
-- retired hunter --


Great application, welcome to the "family"
IF I could just get started, I would be unstoppable !!


(05 Feb, 09, 20:25)Shrindrae link Wrote: *Recruited*

Taldric, give forum access to him ^^

Done, sorry for the late reaction, but I've finally got internet again!  :vh1:
I took the apple...

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