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Forum protocol


Please note that I expect everyone using these forums to show the same courtesy and tolerance we expect (and demand) in-game. It is perfectly acceptable to indicate a strong difference of opinion with fellow members, but it is not acceptable to slag off people or treat their views with contempt. If you disagree with a posted opinion, feel free to say so (preferably not over and over again!), but the kinship does not tolerate personal attacks of any kind. Remember that comments made online are always perceived as much harsher than they would have been in real life. So have a really good holiday, everyone, and let's get down to some serious Nazgul-kicking in the new year.


I just read through the recent posts on the SG thread (which I believe was the reason for your post, Kairos?) and have to state that I found the argument completely within normal forum discussion parameters. I couldn't read anything that could vaguely be interpreted as a personal attack on someone but I understand something else happened behind the scenes.

Nalorin's Golden Rules of Forum Communication, Peace and Prosperity:
  • Think before you type.
  • Sleep before you type.
  • Don't reply instantly - let the first adrenaline rush wear off. Smile
  • And do assume that people don't want to attack you - this atunement will positively influence the way you voice your reply.

Also, please keep these things in mind if you try to settle what become a dispute: it is very well possible to over-dramatize an issue by either heaving it on a meta-level too early (for which I might be guilty as I am writing this now ^^) or using (yet unnecessary) harsh words despite all its good intent (, Thor Wink ).

It's all simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain!

Nal on Lotro.com

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