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1. Name:  Dmitriy
2. Age:    22
3. Country of residence: Russia
4. Timezone: GMT +2
5. Previous MMORPG experience: La2,STO,Aion
6. Previous LotRO experience: since 2010 or so, don`t remeber carrectly
7. Have you been a member of other kinships?: most of the time as solo player
8. Your main character: Snippy, burglar, 75lvl
9. Your alts, if any: Don`t have any alts
10. How did you hear about TWA?: from Hrafngrimur
11. Do you know any current TWA members? No. I don`t
12. About yourself: Nothing interesting here, work and rest at some games
13. About your Main: I`m sorry reader, but this one absolutely not rp gamer. I just like this game because of gameplay and beauty.Why am I at rp server? because of my friend, who already left game.
14. I am interested in raiding?: This is the main reason why I`m looking for kinship. Simple answer - A LOT
15. I am interested in fellowship quests?: A LOT
16. I am interested in RP & RP Events?: NOT AT ALL
P.S. One more what should you know, some people on this server don`t like me, hate me, because of some reasons ( some calls me thief, some - rude and so on ) I don`t want to explain why and what, but I don`t want to be in the same kinship with this people as they don`t want to see me near. If some of them here just say.

Thank You.


[Image: disapprove-eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3-341.gif]
If by life or death I can save you, I will.

"You see, there's this thing called aggro."
"What's aggro?"
"It's a very complicated, very technical roleplaying expression. Loosely translated, it means 'the healer dies'."


Hi Snippy, it was me that was chatting to you in game earlier on tonight. Sorry but:

Quote: P.S. One more what should you know, some people on this server don`t like me, hate me, because of some reasons ( some calls me thief, some - rude and so on ) I don`t want to explain why and what, but I don`t want to be in the same kinship with this people as they don`t want to see me near. If some of them here just say.

means it's unlikely that you will be successful in your application.  Feel free to put your side of the story if you think your reputation is undeserved, but if you earned your rep by being a dick to people in game then you really won't fit into TWA at all.

Final decision would of course be up to our officers, and I expect one of them will be in touch shortly.


Hi Snippy, I'm Eres the community and recruitment officer.
While I don't have anything against you nore know any reason for you to have a bad reputation, I would ask that if you want to be considered that you please fill us in on your side of the story.



Don't want to sound blunt, but based on this application I wouldn't even bother.
[Image: signature.png]


Hey Snippy.

Here in TWA our reputation as a group is of the utmost importance, we have a very high standing on the server and do our best to keep it.

With that in mind, we really never recruit anyone with a questionable reputation on the server unless we are convinced it is not deserved.
I also realise your English is not that good so there also might be some miscommunication at play.
Could you please elaborate on your final statement and why you left your previous kinship?



If your rep is that bad, suggest you change you char name and rebuild your rep by avoiding stuff that got you a bad rep in the first place.

(This post was last modified: 19 Sep, 12, 22:55 by Webbies.)

I can't really say I have much to do with snippy nor can I mock or not mock him so unless anyone here has had confrontation with him how can you condem the guy, Talk about hanging the man before his trial lol,
Don't always listen to the crap you hear in the global trash can channel, There are a lot of idiots in that channel.
But it would be handy to give us your side of the story snippy as you already mentioned it, It would do you no favours what so ever if you didn't.
pConfused I'm sorry folks but unless I see something with my own eyes I don't believe it. and the globall channel is worse than the sun newspaper for propagander.


I have grouped with him a couple of times and all i can say is that his rep is well deserved. Id happily go into greater detail if people really must know the juicy details ofc..
If by life or death I can save you, I will.

"You see, there's this thing called aggro."
"What's aggro?"
"It's a very complicated, very technical roleplaying expression. Loosely translated, it means 'the healer dies'."


ok that is quite enough for me, let's not turn this into a spectacle.

Sorry Snippy, for obvious reasons application rejected.
We wish you good luck on your travels through Middle-earth.

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