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IMPORTANT: Update to Mumble 1.2.3a


Quote:Posted on January 15, 2012 by .D0T

Due to an expiring certificate no Mumble 1.2.2 or newer released before today (15.01.2012) will work on the Windows Platform after 15 January 2012 11:36:47 GMT. If such an outdated Mumble is launched after that date the error message “A referral was returned by the server” will be displayed by Windows and Mumble will not start.

You can get the fixed Mumble 1.2.3a stable installer from:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mumble/f...i/download (uninstall 1.2.3 stable first).
An updated installer for the snapshot version is available from: http://mumble.info/snapshot/mumble-1.2.3...a8b25c.msi
You can also download a fixed Mumble.exe for the 1.2.3 stable from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mumble/f...p/download

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. We will follow up with a more detailed explanation later.

The Mumble team
Ingaras, Hunter (75)
Indo, Minstrel (81)
Celefindel, Loremaster (115)
Magolisto, Champion (75)

and some others...


This, for the technically backwards amongst us, is of little help.

We are invited to download any one of the following:

1. A fixed Mumble 1.2.3a stable installer;
2. An updated installer for the snapshot version;
3. A fixed Mumble.exe for the 1.2.3 stable.

I have not the vaguest idea what the difference between these three is, nor do I understand why we are being offered a choice.

Could somebody please simply indicate which of the three should be downloaded if all you want is to use Mumble?


- > http://sourceforge.net/projects/mumble/f...i/download <-

That's the one you want, but you've got to uninstall the old version first if you have 1.2.3 now (since they're both the same, it won't update properly).

The alternatives are a fixed single .exe file which you can replace in your current Mumble 1.2.3 installation, or the 'development/test/beta/snapshot version' of 1.2.4.
Ingaras, Hunter (75)
Indo, Minstrel (81)
Celefindel, Loremaster (115)
Magolisto, Champion (75)

and some others...


Easiest way is atleast the option 3, just copy the exe file to Mumble folder and don't have to reinstall and go through all the settings... But it won't change the version number to 1.2.3a, but still Mumble says that it works also, so gonna try it out atleast.

...Just installed Mumble again day before and got through the settings, now i would have to reinstall again - nope, lucky  :roll:


Apologies to bring this up again but just need to re-install latest mumble.

If I

Uninstall old mumble using windows uninstall thingy then google mumble and install latest version, will i be good to go?


Should be Jack. Smile


Thanks big belly it worked! ;D

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