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Announcing January Elections


So that time has come again, elections are around the corner.

As per the constitution we are required to announce the start of elections two weeks in advance.

Elections will start the last week of January with day one being on the 29th of January and day 15 on the 12th of February.

For more information on the proceedings you can check the Constitution or ask your friendly neighborhood officer.

- Thoronthor


I advice all members who feel obliged, to already take a moment and consider serving the kinship as a member of the council. If you have the ambition, and would like to be a part of the more administrative, hands-on matters of TWA, you're always free to put yourself forward as a candidate as soon as elections open up. As stated above by Thoronthor, don't hesitate to contact an officer if you have any questions about proceedings, or about what life on the council is really like.


Elections again? Man, feels like only yesterday when we last went through this. Democracy can be tiresome at times Wink
It's all simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain!

Nal on Lotro.com


(18 Jan, 10, 09:25)Nalorin link Wrote: Elections again? Man, feels like only yesterday when we last went through this. Democracy can be tiresome at times Wink
absolutely, but with the high turn-around of players and the nature of online gaming you really need an election several times a year.


i cant find the voting booth!!!


patience, the voting threads are in the kinship rules section but voting has not started yet.

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