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Marcelon's application


1. NAME - Neil

2. AGE - 30


4. TIMEZONE - BST at the moment

5. PREVIOUS MMORPG EXPERIENCE - Neocron, although with the population levels it had it was never really an MMO as such.

6. PREVIOUS LOTRO EXPERIENCE - I played for the first 3 months or so after SoA's launch and had a Hunter that I got to level 30 or so, but I lost interest upon hitting the wall of fellowship quests there seemed to be at the time. Having got an invitation to a welcome back weekend not long before the MoM release I thought I'd give it another shot and started reading up on all the incoming changes the expansion would bring. The Warden class caught my eye so I made one on launch day and have played him as my main ever since. With a short break of a month or so spent solely creepside in the period before Book 7 was released.

7. HAVE YOU BEEN A MEMBER OF OTHER KINSHIPS? - Yes a member of crsa and I still am in fact. With all the disruption lately and the loss of so many key players it is no longer the same kin I joined so I've been looking to move on to a kin who are looking to regularly tackle the entirety of Lotro's endgame content whether it be instances, raids or pvp.

8. YOUR MAIN CHARACTER - Marcelon my level 60 Warden. As far as radiance armour goes he's just missing the helm from DD and the Watcher/DN pieces. Gearwise I would say he is well equipped although still with plenty of room for improvement.

9. YOUR ALTS, IF ANY - I have two alts worth mentioning. To accompany my tank I wanted a healer for the endgame so I'm currently levelling a Runekeeper (Skogr, level 42) and Minstrel (Fior, level 32). The RK is the one that seems better suited to me so it's he that I've been putting most effort into levelling and if I'm successful in joining TWA also I'd like to bring him across as soon as he is of use in Moria.

10. HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT TWA? - I've known about TWA for a long time through the lotro forums mainly.

11. DO YOU KNOW ANY CURRENT TWA MEMBERS? - Just Maconabo and Lonsamoot to be honest as they're both from crsa also.

12. ABOUT YOURSELF - There's not a lot to say really...I guess it's worth mentioning that although I'm happy to have my voicechat turned on and use other clients like ventrilo/teamspeak, I will only be listening via them, not speaking. I type ok though. Smile

13. ABOUT YOUR MAIN - He's fond of challenging himself, exploring the world around him and sharing in adventures with those he meets along the way.

14. I AM INTERESTED IN RAIDING - A LOT. Although I've not had much chance to get stuck into the raiding side of things it's definitely what I've been working towards.

15. I AM INTERESTED IN FELLOWSHIP QUESTS - A LOT. I still enjoy going into the various instances so I'm happy to help out with them whenever I can.

16. I AM INTERESTED IN RP & RP EVENTS - NOT AT ALL. Of all the things Lotro offers RP is pretty much the thing I least want to get involved in, although that doesn't mean I go around messing up everyone else's experience of the game.

Bye for now.


Welcome to TWA boards Marcelon, good luck with your application. One of our officers will be in touch with you soon.


Welcome Marcelon!

Good luck with the application - an officer will be in contact with you in-game shortly


Hey, Marcelon! I don't know if you recall, but we've played together on occasion before (Teolwyn, Uirveleth), and I actually applied here only yesterday, myself. Good luck to us both!


Welcome to the forums and good luck!
Ingaras, Hunter (75)
Indo, Minstrel (81)
Celefindel, Loremaster (115)
Magolisto, Champion (75)

and some others...


recruited today, good luck


Promoted! Welcome!
Ingaras, Hunter (75)
Indo, Minstrel (81)
Celefindel, Loremaster (115)
Magolisto, Champion (75)

and some others...


well deserved, congratulations

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