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The Merry Christmas thread


I just came online to wish all my friends from TWA a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!



And a very merry christmas to you, yours and all the kin!  :xm4:
Gimli: Oh come on, we can take 'em.  Aragorn: It's a long way. Gimli: Toss me. Aragorn: What? Gimli: I cannot jump the distance, you'll have to toss me.
[pauses, looks up at Aragorn] Gimli: Don't tell the elf. Aragorn: Not a word.


Aye, a merry Yule and a red dawn at the gates of Moria!


Merry Christmas Meth!  Have a wonderful holiday with your family!

Belmoira Darnorien - L60  Elven Hunter - Explorer -  Wife of Crowfoot
Ellyjomil - L21 Hobbit Burgler - SM Farmer & Cook
Olac - L52 Dorf Champ - Head Basher
Morsiobahnriel - L36 Elven Loremaster

Belaclyadal - R6 Weaver
MerryJo - L20 Hobbit Minstrel


Hey Meth, nice to hear you are still around, hope you and your family have a great christmas
IF I could just get started, I would be unstoppable !!


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas to all  :xm4:
Brentius the brave dwarf
Spuky the crazy hobit


I hope everyone has a very merry christmas and a most excellent new year  :xm4: :vh1:


Have all of you a merry merry merry merry and happy chrstimas and new year! :xm4:
Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden!
Fell deeds awake, fire and slaughter!
spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,
a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!

[Image: Damrod55.png]


MERRY XMAS!!!!  :xm3: :xm3: :xm3:

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