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Anjya application



Hello everyone,

This is my application for TWA membership, have fun and see you all In-Game.

Main (and only) character in LotrO: Anjya Riversong, Minstrel 50 (Laurelin)

I found out about TWA by the means of Miosha, my former Kinship's leader (Team Spirit). We have chatted along in #fotw several times with some of you, have even adventured with you and I found out it's a nice place to settle in. Hope the feeling is mutual Smile

My real life name is Panos (male Greek name), I live in Belgium and I am 31 years old. I am a lifetime subscriber of LotrO and it's the first MMO I ever tried. Big Tolkien fan here. If you happen on the Ettenmoors, look around for a reaver named Logburz. He's my evil half. Wink


Greetings!  Ohh your Creep name sounds familiar, might have seen you in one of the 3 times I have been there heh heh.  Memory is a tad delayed!  Good Luck with your application and see you in game!
Belmoira Darnorien - L60  Elven Hunter - Explorer -  Wife of Crowfoot
Ellyjomil - L21 Hobbit Burgler - SM Farmer & Cook
Olac - L52 Dorf Champ - Head Basher
Morsiobahnriel - L36 Elven Loremaster

Belaclyadal - R6 Weaver
MerryJo - L20 Hobbit Minstrel


Hello and welcome.

I know Thoronthor has already invited you, so welcome to the kin  ;D

Hope to see you in-game soon.

Teppic: "You stay here. I'll whistle if it's safe to follow me."
Ptraci: "What will you do if it isn't safe?"
Teppic: "Scream."
Terry Pratchett, Pyramids


Welcome Anjya!  :bunny1:
I took the apple...


welcome anjya hope to see you soon again in the game Smile

Finmir / Eorfrid

Aroc / Sarvan
[Image: signatureFIN.gif]


haha a greek who lives in Belgium with a son of Brunt reaver alterego and a lvl 50 minstrel, somehow I think you will fit in no problem.


Welcome to the madhouse!  Wink
--- Belegorn --- Bad Apple


greetings and welcome along
IF I could just get started, I would be unstoppable !!


This afternoon, Anjya enlightened us with her poetry... It was about dwaves and goblins, and therefore, a great poem!
Here it is:

Two goblins set away on foot
Towards Orodost they set
But outside Sarnur a dwarf they met
The dwarf eyes the greenskins from atop and sings a mighty tune
"Lo basterds, scum and filth of yore!"
"Fer battle heres I presume?"
The gobbers stank of filth and reek
But meek their voice was
"Ye runt, yer beard stink o' ale an' others think uncomely"
"So how ye dares stand in our way, ye hairy joker lonely?"
The dwarf's beard turned in curls, his wrath great and bloody
In rage his hammer the Khazad let
And stuck a stone aplenty
"Ye bloody misers, dogs and hounds"
"Ye Angmarim bootlickers"
"In Orodost be ancient land, ruins and stone I deem!"
"Ye betta turn yer curbed backs and crawl back ta yer holes"
"Or else me hammer will thee smite"
"And crack yer skull with holes"
The goblins blanched, and barked and yapped
And fearful they were
Their hearts began to quirk and shake
Like froth in a wooden mug
And stir their bladder began to quip
"This be a bout, this be a test, this be yer chance to prove"
"For youse claims phony be, much like your clan in Khazad-Dum!"
"We trusts yer will made be done and Thorin's wife be clean!"
"Fer now we will fights youse and suffer at our whim!"
The dwarf stood up haughty and proud
The fire of ages in his eyes
And nothing else he spoke or did
But lo! his hammer riseth!
"Ye misbeggotten curs and wretches, filth and maggoty wads"
"Now ye will learns whut truly be"
"A Khazad ta indulge"
A fight ensued, on Sarnur's snowy entrance
And finally the dwarfling won
With pride in his sternum
"Me beard be long, me hammer strong, me eyes full of anger"
"But never will I forget yer trespassing fer long"
For hours the dwarf hath toiled
A long cairn be built
On top of it the dwarf hath laid
The gobbers' filthy kilt
"Fer now suffice, me grudge curbed hath been"
"And all who pass and look and peer, yer cowardice shall deem"
"Begone ye losers, out I say frem our stony lands"
"Fer death shalt rain and it will be in my metal-clad arms!"
((So ends the tale of Durin's first battle))
I took the apple...


Welcoem to the Kinship m8 Smile
Malbordir - Grd 60
Malimli - RK 60
Malakay - r7 Reaver


Give me my Wings

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