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Application to join TWA


Congrats Smile


Welcome to the Family!

Now go get your *bleep* shine box!  ;D

Goodfellas At Moe's
If by life or death I can save you, I will.

"You see, there's this thing called aggro."
"What's aggro?"
"It's a very complicated, very technical roleplaying expression. Loosely translated, it means 'the healer dies'."


Congrats Milg! Smile
Grimbos - Champion
Ardrick - Guardian
Arachnakh - Worst Weaver West of the Anduin
Arakhat - Storeleader
Rags - Reaver Raidcharger


Nice montage  Big Grin

*Studies Google Maps for suitably quiet place in upstate New York, to bury Mac. in shallow grave*

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