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New raiding schedule


As you may already know, Turbine has very stupidly decided to have OD reset twice weekly, early in the mornings of Monday and Thursday. This means that in order to complete a run, we have to go in twice between either of those two days. Unfortunately, experience has shown that scheduling anything over the weekend is a non-starter, which leaves us with the Monday to Thursday slot.

With council's agreement, I am setting up the following weekly schedule, at least until the next major raid arrives. In effect, OD will run on Mondays and Wednesdays, with the open skirmish raid and Draigoch alternating between Tuesday and Thursday.

Monday: Ost Dunhoth 1
Tuesday: open skirmish raid or Draigoch
Wednesday: Ost Dunhoth 2
Thursday: Draigoch or open skirmish raid
Friday: possible second open skirmish raid


As far as this week is concerned, the open skirmish raid originally posted for Wednesday has been moved to Thursday, and OD2 to Wednesday!


Skirmish Raid for thursday cancelled.

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