"Leet Noobs: Expertise and Collaboration in a World of Warcraft Player Group as Distributed Sociomaterial Practice" is the title of a doctoral dissertation by Mark Chen for the University of Washington; it can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of this post. Now, I fully appreciate that the title sounds like somebody's parody of academic research; nevertheless, I would recommend it unreservedly for anybody interested in gaming and gaming theory, and, above all, in the way social gaming groups (including kinships and raiding alliances) operate - or sometimes cease operating.
The academic jargon is limited mostly to the opening chapters; what follows is the author's account of ten months spent actively raiding in WoW with the same group, including actual in-game chat logs, and his analysis of the group's social dynamics. Personally, I found it both fascinating and illuminating.
Link: https://digital.lib.washington.edu/resea...sequence=1